Pegboard Rack

Necessity is the mother of invention; and I wouldn’t have invented this if my son didn’t feel it was necessary to break the box these came in.

However, I had recently discovered OpenSCAD which allows you to write code that defines the 3D surface and completely forbids any type of direct model manipulation. Instead, shape primitives are composited and subtracted to achieve the final model. The size of the model files are correspondingly very small as the vertexes are calculated on the fly. While this is definitely not a tool that you can pick up and start using like SketchUp, it’s a fantastic tool for those already pre-disposed to solving every problem with code. Yep, probably my new favorite modelling program!

Here’s a snippet of the code that goes into building with SCAD:

module rack(x) {
    translate([x, 0, 0])
    union() {
        difference() {
        peg(0, 0);
        hook(0, inch);
        peg(length, 0);
        hook(length, inch);

Where, for example, peg and hook are other modules that are defined in the file.


Anyway, this is a handy little pegboard mount precision screwdriver assembly, available in 5 wide or 10 wide (3" or 6") as STL files. Or, modify spacing, width, opening size and depth from the settings in the SCAD file.

Files and details are available at

Adrian Akison Written by:

Adrian is a serial CTO, hobbyist game developer, 3D printing enthusiast and all around maker.